Alex Hemus

Alex Hemus

Facebook For Authors: Pages vs. Profiles

Facebook is a godsend for authors, allowing them to engage in free promotional activity at a complexity that suits them. Whether you want to mention the odd book release or shower your fans with pictures, thoughts, videos and offers, Facebook has you covered. While I’ve explained the 7 Simple Steps to Create a Professional Facebook

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Alex Hemus

How To Figure Out Why Your Book Sales Are Disappointing

You sat down and wrote your novel, spent months slaving over the editing and then either found a publisher or self-published. After all that work your worries should be over, but instead you are faced with the question: Why is my book not selling? There are a lot of reasons books don’t sell but the

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Alex Hemus

5 Back Of Book Extras You Need To Include In Your Book

In this article I’ll be listing 5 extras you need to include in the back of your book, and exactly what they can do for you. Authors have more control over their marketing than they’ve ever had before, and just because the reader has already purchased your book doesn’t mean the marketing opportunities have ended.

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