Frances Reid Rowland

Frances is a ballet dancing wildlife enthusiast, writer and avid book reader. When not prancing around in Lycra, reading or writing her deathless novel, she can be found editing books, hugging other people’s dogs or, though not nearly enough, somewhere in the wilds of Africa watching elephants.
Frances Reid Rowland

7 Good Habits Every Author Should Have

So, a story of great potential is whizzing tirelessly in your brain and your fingers are itching to set it down. But how do you give longevity to that initial burst of inspiration? Here are 7 suggestions to help you get the most out of your day. 1. Create the right work space Pretend for

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Frances Reid Rowland

Here’s How To Give Your Antagonist A Little Oomph

Creating a worthy antagonist is just as important to an unput-downable story as the heroic protagonist. I know it’s easy, even as a writer, to fall victim to the charms of your protagonist and focus most of your attention on him or her. But imagine Sherlock Holmes without Moriarty, Mowgli without Shere Khan. These antagonists

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Frances Reid Rowland

Write A Book Title With The Star Power Of Harry Potter

If you’re reading this article, the title has done its job. It piqued your interest and made you want to find out more, which is precisely how you want people to react to the title of your book. Thus, you must word your title as carefully as you would the first sentence of the first

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Frances Reid Rowland

How To Decide If You Should Plot Outline Or Freestyle It

The plot outline versus just sitting down and writing: is one method more effective than the other? The short answer: no, absolutely not—whichever suits your writing style best. If you look around, there are certainly those who would argue very strongly in favor of one method or the other. These writers have clearly found a

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