Paige Duke

Paige is an editor by day and writer by night. A shameless book nerd, she loves any well-told story that transports her to faraway worlds or the deepest regions of the human spirit. She’s a believer in the astounding power of love, in opening herself up to life’s many surprises, and in chocolate as the cure for just about any ailment.
How To Handle Fear In Your Novel - An elephant is about to step on a mouse. Both look terrified.
Paige Duke

How To Handle Fear In Your Novel: The Dos And Don’ts

When was the last time you were afraid – I mean really afraid? Close your eyes and play the scene. Try to capture everything: the sounds and the smells, what you saw and how your body reacted. What did you do afterward to cope with those feelings of fear? Can you identify why the event

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How To Mine Your Life For Art (Without Being Disowned) - An author is confronted by an angry reader who has been depicted as a caricature.
Paige Duke

How To Mine Your Life For Art (Without Being Disowned)

When it comes to mining your life for artistic inspiration, proverbs abound: Art imitates life. Truth is stranger than fiction. Write what you know. It can be immensely helpful and inspiring to draw from your own life experience to inform your writing. It can also be a minefield. Authors who have attempted to put real-life

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How Shame And Vulnerability Make Your Characters Compelling - A character hiding a baseball bat stands by a broken vase, whistling.
Paige Duke

How Shame And Vulnerability Make Your Characters Compelling

Creating potential for connection is one of the most essential aspects of the writer’s job. Whether you’re writing a hero, a villain, or a character somewhere in between, there should be at least one element that allows the reader to connect with that character. Sometimes, this comes easily. Your characters are likeable, and you don’t

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How To Write An Acknowledgment Your Readers Will Love - A reader opens a book and hearts spill out.
Paige Duke

How To Write An Acknowledgment Your Readers Will Love

I really mostly just want to thank my wife… she was the one who had to put up with me. That she did so with love and patience and encouragement instead of strangling me, throwing my remains into a wood chipper, and then pretending she had never been married to me at all is a

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