Robert Wood

Rob has yet to encounter a bookshop he can walk past, a habit which has become deadly now that you can buy the newest releases digitally at 1am. Thankfully, it also comes in handy for providing the best advice on writing your book.
Are You An Elephant Writer Or A Termite Writer? - An elephant and a termite both hold pencils, ready to write.
Robert Wood

Are You An Elephant Writer Or A Termite Writer?

What do you want as a writer? To produce great work and find your fair share of readers – that’s a given – but what about on a deeper level? Are you the type of writer who wants to change the world, or do you just love words and take joy in making them dance?

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What Can Euphony And Cacophony Do For Your Writing? - Two writers play bugles.
Robert Wood

What Can Euphony And Cacophony Do For Your Writing?

In the simplest possible terms, ‘euphony’ describes a harmonious mixing of sounds, while ‘cacophony’ describes a discordant mixing of sounds. Applied to writing, both terms can describe words, phrases, sentences, and even entire works.

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Robert Wood

How To Master Similes And Metaphors In Your Writing – Part 2

Some writers automatically reach for similes and metaphors at the first opportunity, while others don’t have the instinct to involve figurative language unless prompted by an outside force. Neither side is wrong, and while similes and metaphors are valuable tools, it’s worth noting that, like all tools, they need to be used in the right circumstances. A boring detail expanded via metaphor just makes for a longer duration of boredom, and a complex idea that isn’t actually simplified by its simile is likely to become more confusing.

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