Here's How To Write A Rashomon Scene, And Why You Should - A character from the movie Rashomon takes a selfie.
Robert Wood

Here’s How To Write A Rashomon Scene, And Why You Should

Sometimes, it’s the way you tell a story that makes it special. That’s what turns a simple act of revenge into a labyrinthine murder mystery, or a comical misunderstanding into a grand farce. Because of this, it can be helpful to consider not just the events of your story, but the most effective way they

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How To Create A Visual Brand As An Author - An author burns symbols into a wall with a branding iron.
Hannah Collins

How To Create A Visual Brand As An Author

You may think that, as an author, you can easily publish acclaimed work and gather a dependable readership without having to build any kind of brand. It’s a fantasy, but not in the way you might think. It’s possible, though difficult, to attract an audience without building a deliberate brand, but once they arrive, they’re going

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What You Need To Know Before Writing A Shared Universe - A dwarf and a hobbit are locked in discussion.
Robert Wood

What You Need To Know Before Writing A Shared Universe

Only a decade ago, the shared universe was a rare flower – the province of only a few artists and, even then, rarely explored to its fullest potential. Now, it’s hard to name a movie studio that isn’t launching some kind of shared universe, from Marvel’s ‘cinematic universe’, in which characters like Iron Man, Captain

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