6 Ways Salman Rushdie Can Improve Your Writing - Salman Rushdie stands thinking about the flags of India and the UK.
Rebecca Langley

6 Ways Salman Rushdie Can Improve Your Writing

Salman Rushdie is well known for his outspoken nature and the deadly fatwa issued in answer to his work. His novel Midnight’s Children won several awards and made it onto Modern Library’s 100 best novels list, but many are also familiar with the book that sent him into hiding, The Satanic Verses, and his riveting,

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How Shame And Vulnerability Make Your Characters Compelling - A character hiding a baseball bat stands by a broken vase, whistling.
Paige Duke

How Shame And Vulnerability Make Your Characters Compelling

Creating potential for connection is one of the most essential aspects of the writer’s job. Whether you’re writing a hero, a villain, or a character somewhere in between, there should be at least one element that allows the reader to connect with that character. Sometimes, this comes easily. Your characters are likeable, and you don’t

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What It’s Like To Work With An Editor - An editor marks a piece of paper while its author cries.
Robert Wood

What It’s Like To Work With An Editor

You’ve done everything you can with a piece, but now you’re running up against your biases. You need fresh eyes, professional insight, and a sustained dialogue to show you new paths. You need all that, but you’re still hesitating to involve an editor. Why? Probably because you’re not sure what working with an editor is

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The Author’s Guide To Melodrama (And What It Can Do For You) - Screaming, a character rips off their shirt.
Fred Johnson

The Author’s Guide To Melodrama (And What It Can Do For You)

Melodrama tends to get a bad rep these days, and not without good reason. Certainly, melodrama – that is, sensational drama; exaggerated, flat characters; farcically exciting events; and extreme responses and actions – can often come at the expense of those other aspects of fiction that make your book worth reading: deep characters, subtext, complex

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