
5 Ways Anne Tyler Can Help You Improve Your Writing - Anne Tyler smiles at the reader, imagining a man with two broken legs and a dog.
Fred Johnson

5 Ways Anne Tyler Can Help You Improve Your Writing

Celebrated for her humanistic, domestic, and gorgeously observed novels about Baltimore’s middle- and working-class families, Anne Tyler is the kind of single-minded writer who has found her niche and writes it very, very well.

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How To Write A Sympathetic Villain - A character who resembles Blofeld holds a sign that reads 'Free puppies!'
Rebecca Langley

How To Write A Sympathetic Villain

In realist writing, villains need to be at least a little relatable (a little sympathetic) in order to be believable. Not all villains have to be sympathetic, of course. Uni-faceted villains can still fill a strong role in the more imaginative or allegorical genres. For instance, we wouldn’t enjoy Edmond Dantès’ epic revenge if Mondego

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