
Everything You Need To Know About Writing Robots and AI - A robot performs Hamlet's soliloquy.
Hannah Collins

Everything You Need To Know About Writing Robots and AI

In the Rick and Morty episode, ‘Something Ricked This Way Comes’, slovenly super genius Rick Sanchez casually builds a tiny robot at the breakfast table. “What is my purpose?” the robot asks him, seconds after its creation. “Pass the butter,” Rick replies. The robot completes the task, then repeats, “What is my purpose?” “You pass butter,”

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How Understanding Cosmic Horror Can Improve Your (Love)Craft - A winged, squid-like monster towers over a boat.
Robert Wood

How Understanding Cosmic Horror Can Improve Your (Love)Craft

In writing circles, it’s commonly accepted that one of the essentials of becoming a great writer is to read a lot, but reading widely is just as important. If you only read what you want to write, you limit your ability to bring new techniques and ideas to your work. In short, there’s a lot of great

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How To Write A Damn Good Woman - A male writer images a female protagonist.
Hannah Collins

How To Write A Damn Good Woman

This is a companion piece to How To Write A Damn Good Man, and takes a similar approach to considering gender in characterization. Perhaps the most succinct piece of advice I’ve ever heard for writing female characters came from comedy writer Erin Gibson. Just write a dude and slap a skirt on him. I’d love to just leave

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Embrace Noir Conventions To Improve Your Writing - A grizzled PI drinks with a femme fatale.
Fred Johnson

Embrace Noir Conventions To Improve Your Writing

Few genres have such a distinctive look and feel as noir fiction. A successor of ‘hard-boiled’ or ‘pulp’ fiction, you’ll know the conventions of noir even if you’ve never read The Maltese Falcon or The Big Sleep – seedy urban underbellies, trench-coat-clad PIs, cigarettes, femme fatales, whiskey, flickering streetlights casting white pools on Chicago streets, nihilistic

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