
A Fairy Tale Retelling Could Be The Best Thing For Your Career - A burly Red Riding Hood threatens an elderly wolf.
Robert Wood

A Fairy Tale Retelling Could Be The Best Thing For Your Career

Ever considered writing a fairy tale retelling? Many authors have, and most of them have shied away from the idea, putting other projects first. Perhaps that was the right decision, but it’s also one that’s worth reconsidering – fairy tale retellings are big business, and they could be the key to establishing yourself with a

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A steampunk character and a vampire shake hands
Robert Wood

The Gothic Secrets Every Steampunk Writer Should Know

Steampunk is a genre of fiction that’s been quietly influencing literature for a long time, but over the past few years it’s exploded in popularity. A form of sci-fi which draws on Victorian ideas about the future, steampunk offers a backdrop of top hats, cogs, and steam-powered inventions. A while ago, I talked about why

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Flashback - A pilot stares off into the distance, remembering playing with a toy plane in his childhood.
Robert Wood

The 4 Decisions That Will Help You Write An Amazing Flashback

The flashback is a great storytelling device, allowing you to send the reader back to witness first-hand the formative moments of a character or event. Comedy, action and even horror stories make frequent use of flashbacks, but while they’re common, they can be difficult to get right. We’ve talked before about the structure of a

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Paige Duke

Do You Need To Rewrite Your Inciting Incident?

Incite. Instigate. Provoke. Spur. Trigger. Activate. Force. Does this describe your opening? Is there an event that propels your protagonist on his or her journey? This event is the key to starting off your story on a strong note. It’s called the inciting incident. It’s that moment that disrupts your protagonist’s status quo and sets

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