
What Is 'High-Concept' Fiction, And How Can I Write It? - A rainbow springs from an author's hand.
Rebecca Langley

What Is ‘High-Concept’ Fiction, And How Can I Write It?

Most authors who have tried to get published have heard of high-concept fiction, though the concept (pun totally intended) can be a little fuzzy. Let’s talk about what ‘high concept’ means and how you can make it part of your writing repertoire. ‘High concept’ defined The idea is fairly simple: high-concept writing places high value

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Why A Motif Could Be Exactly What Your Story Needs - A scene reminiscent of Forrest Gump, with a character looking at a feather and imagining flight.
Paige Duke

Why A Motif Could Be Just What Your Story Needs

When it comes to writing a story that will stick with your reader, it can be hard to bring certain things to the fore. Characters and events happen in front of the reader, but story elements like theme or larger concepts are harder to define, and therefore harder to get right. Happily, the use of

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Judy Blume MasterClass Review: Is It Worth Your Money? - Judy Blume stands in front of a blackboard.
Robert Wood

Judy Blume MasterClass Review: Is It Worth Your Money?

If you enjoy this review and are considering purchasing or trialling MasterClass then you can support us by doing so through one of the links on this page. If you click on one of these links we will receive a small payment (commission) from MasterClass, this does not affect the price you pay and has

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5 Ways George Orwell Can Help You Improve Your Writing - George Orwell stands by the door to Room 101.
Fred Johnson

5 Ways George Orwell Can Help You Improve Your Writing

Long before George Orwell’s name became synonymous with his terrifying 1948 novel 1984 and his children’s book about Stalinism, Animal Farm, he was known for his political and moral non-fiction. A staunch socialist, Orwell’s ever-present political preoccupations and his utilitarianism are reflected in his spartan, concise, and lucid prose style. Keenly aware of language and

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