
Robert Wood

Here’s How A Tortoise Can Help You Finally Finish Your Novel

You’re on the home straight. Your first draft is far behind you, your characters are well thought out, and your plot is clever in all the right places. A few more months of work and you know for certain your novel will finally be finished. The only problem is that you knew that three months

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Paige Duke

Writing Flashbacks: How To Make Them Work In Fiction

The conventional wisdom about flashbacks goes something like this: use them sparingly, if at all. It’s good advice, because a mishandled flashback can stunt the flow of your narrative, lose a reader’s interest, harm suspension of disbelief, create confusion, or cause any number of other problems. But, don’t be discouraged, flashbacks can work, and they’re worth

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Robert Wood

Nail Your Character’s Backstory With This One Simple Tip

Despite being a necessary and enjoyable part of most narratives, backstory is a bit of a storytelling anomaly. The more complex or involving a story the author is telling, the more time they’re forced to spend outside it. Readers want to know where fascinating characters came from, and that means exploring events you may never

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