
Your Quick And Easy Guide To Theme, Allegory And Symbolism - A writer sits at their laptop, considering images such as an eye, a flower, a clock and a skull.
Hannah Collins

Your Quick And Easy Guide To Theme, Allegory And Symbolism

A Christmas Carol, The Catcher in the Rye, Heart of Darkness. Other than stellar writing and compelling characters, what makes a story stand the test of time? How do certain novels achieve the lofty ‘classic’ status while others fade into relative obscurity? The answer is all in the subtext. Authors like Charles Dickens, J.D Salinger and

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Your Book Is Crying Out For A Volta – Here's How To Deliver - A character, somewhat confused, vaults over a book titled 'Tall Tales'.
Robert Wood

Your Book Is Crying Out For A Volta – Here’s How To Deliver

Good writers are always looking for ways to improve their craft, but great writers are prepared to beg, borrow and steal so long as it gets them the best advice and the most effective devices for telling their story. That’s why in this article I’m going to mug poetry, rifle through its pockets, and bring

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How To Create Conflict Between Multiple Antagonists - An image reminiscent of Freddy vs. Jason
Hannah Collins

How To Create Conflict Between Multiple Antagonists

We’ve talked before about the benefits multiple antagonists can bring to a story – and how to give each a unique purpose in the narrative – but what are authors supposed to do when those antagonists are on different sides and, like any interesting characters, have specific, often contradictory, goals? Antagonistic forces have natural potential to not

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How To Make The Reader Trust Your Villain - A character holds out flowers, an ax hidden behind his back.
Robert Wood

How To Make The Reader Trust Your Villain

Sometimes, the most effective villain is the one you didn’t see coming. It’s the helpful friend who turns out to be the villain’s stooge, the kindly inn-keeper hiding cannibalistic intent, or the sage master whose long-game is to tempt you to the dark side. Of course, for these villains to work, you have to trust

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