Point of view

Want To Disturb Your Readers? Mastering The Uncanny Is The Answer - A horrific ghost emerges from a book, terrifying the reader.
Robert Wood

Want To Disturb Your Readers? Mastering The Uncanny Is The Answer

Half the battle of writing a great book is getting the reader to emotionally invest in your story. The most successful form of this sees the reader caught up in the moment, and it’s an experience that we’ve tried to catch again and again in the language of clichés. A great tale leaves you on

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Adding A ‘B Plot’ Is The Simple Way To Improve Your Story - Two characters cheer. One is a barbarian with a sword, the other a chef with a pan.
Robert Wood

Adding A ‘B Plot’ Is The Simple Way To Improve Your Story

Sometimes, two plots are better than one. As much as brevity and (comparative) minimalism generally reveal the best form of a story, there are occasions where your central plot will benefit from being paired with a back-up narrative. These secondary narratives, generally less complex than the main narrative and focused on supporting characters, are often

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Reader Proxies: What They Are And When They’re Useful - A reader manipulates a puppet that looks exactly like them.
Fred Johnson

Reader Proxies: What They Are And When They’re Useful

Not all works of fiction rely on a cast made up exclusively of deep, complex, and inscrutable characters. Some need a character that the audience can inhabit or possess; a platform for the reader to survey the world from and a mouthpiece for their own questions and thoughts. Such ‘reader proxy’ (or, in the case

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Are You Dressing Your Characters For Success? - An author selects their character's clothing.
Paige Duke

Are You Dressing Your Characters For Success?

In life, we can tell a lot about a person by how they dress. We make first impressions – right or wrong – about someone’s personality, values, priorities, and preferences by what they wear. These impressions may be undermined and revised over time as we get to know a person, or perhaps they only get

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