
What Makes An Iconic Character? (And How Can You Create One?) - A sculptor creates a nondescript statue, transforming it into The Doctor with a fez and bow tie.
Hannah Collins

What Makes An Iconic Character? (And How Can You Create One?)

Iconic characters tower over our pop-cultural landscape. From Dracula to Tarzan, they stand the test of time to become recognizable figures to generation after generation. Sometimes, they kick-start entire genres and subgenres of fiction, and usually, dozens of imitators will follow in their wake, cementing their legacy as the first of their kind. Creating one

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How To Avoid Writing A Mary Sue Protagonist - An image reminiscent of Star Trek, in which two crew members fall to their knees in praise of another.
Robert Wood

How To Avoid Writing A Mary Sue Protagonist

We’ve written before about making sure your protagonist is interesting enough – that they have goals, a personality, and compelling flaws. They’re all essential steps to putting your reader in the company of someone they want to spend time with. Unfortunately, writing a great protagonist is one of the hardest tightrope walks of writing, and

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Why Your Story Desperately Needs... A Revelation! - A character pulls the head off a chicken costume only to find an acquaintance underneath.
Hannah Collins

Why Your Story Desperately Needs… A Revelation!

Whether you think of it as an epiphany, a sudden realization or a shocking revelation, the instances in which an undiscovered truth dawns on your character are important. Revelations don’t necessarily have to change the outcome of your story, but they should impact on your reader’s investment in the story, and therefore color how much

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How To Write Better Food (And Why You Should) - A character tucks into a huge meal.
Fred Johnson

How To Write Better Food (And Why You Should)

Food is one of those little things writers tend to forget about. After all, you want to focus on the aspects of your novel that push the plot forward – the seething contest of wits in the drawing room, the raging battle on Raynar VI, the primeval old one stirring beneath the waves – not

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