Short stories

12 Ways Neil Gaiman Can Help You Improve Your Writing Right Now - Neil Gaiman waves at the reader.
Fred Johnson

12 Ways Neil Gaiman Can Help You Improve Your Writing Right Now

Few writers of fantasy (or any other genre) can claim to be as wildly successful as Neil Gaiman. The mild-mannered English writer has long been a kind of literary rock star; his novel American Gods picked up several awards in 2001, his novel Stardust was made into an acclaimed movie in 2007, and his The Sandman comic series

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Your Quick And Easy Guide To Theme, Allegory And Symbolism - A writer sits at their laptop, considering images such as an eye, a flower, a clock and a skull.
Hannah Collins

Your Quick And Easy Guide To Theme, Allegory And Symbolism

A Christmas Carol, The Catcher in the Rye, Heart of Darkness. Other than stellar writing and compelling characters, what makes a story stand the test of time? How do certain novels achieve the lofty ‘classic’ status while others fade into relative obscurity? The answer is all in the subtext. Authors like Charles Dickens, J.D Salinger and

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How And Why You Need To Recycle Writing Ideas - An author places ideas into a complex recycling machine. Genius emerges.
Hannah Collins

How And Why You Need To Recycle Writing Ideas

I think most creative people have trouble throwing things away. Not in a hoarder-esque, ‘I’m currently typing this while walled-in by newspaper towers’ kind of way. No, it’s more ‘waste not, want not’ practicality than kleptomaniac-tinted nostalgia. It’s that lingering feeling: ‘Surely this will be useful, later.’ This same feeling can apply to your writing ideas,

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How Long Should Your Book Be? - An author stands by many stacks of paper.
Hannah Collins

How Long Should Your Book Be? The Complete Guide

The ‘how long?’ question has to be one of the most commonly asked by new authors – perhaps even experienced ones, too. It was certainly one of the first to pass my lips when I met my editor to discuss my first children’s book. “What’s the age range?” she asked me when I broached the

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