Story hooks

How Understanding Cosmic Horror Can Improve Your (Love)Craft - A winged, squid-like monster towers over a boat.
Robert Wood

How Understanding Cosmic Horror Can Improve Your (Love)Craft

In writing circles, it’s commonly accepted that one of the essentials of becoming a great writer is to read a lot, but reading widely is just as important. If you only read what you want to write, you limit your ability to bring new techniques and ideas to your work. In short, there’s a lot of great

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7 Ways You’re Treating Your Novel Like A Screenplay (And How To Stop) - An author writes, picturing a film set.
Hannah Collins

7 Ways You’re Treating Your Novel Like A Screenplay (And How To Stop)

It doesn’t take a genius to see the differences between a novel and a screenplay. They look different on the page, what with the screenplay’s centered text, block-capital names, and bracketed direction. Not only that, but screenplays tend to be far thinner on the page count, too. You can roll one up pretty easily and use

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Why You Need To Write With Authenticity And How To Do It - A lion, who is also a pirate, raises his cutlass high.
Paige Duke

Why You Need To Write With Authenticity And How To Do It

In writing circles, we commonly tell each other to turn off our internal editor in the early stages of writing. It’s good writing advice, but do we go far enough? In her book If You Want to Write, Brenda Ueland says: Though everybody is talented and original, often it does not break through for a

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Your Book Is Crying Out For A Volta – Here's How To Deliver - A character, somewhat confused, vaults over a book titled 'Tall Tales'.
Robert Wood

Your Book Is Crying Out For A Volta – Here’s How To Deliver

Good writers are always looking for ways to improve their craft, but great writers are prepared to beg, borrow and steal so long as it gets them the best advice and the most effective devices for telling their story. That’s why in this article I’m going to mug poetry, rifle through its pockets, and bring

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