Rebecca Langley

It is Rebecca’s delight and privilege to work as an editor. She’s worked across multiple genres and specializes in maintaining author voice and style, so that your story is YOUR story – polished.
6 Ways To Learn From The Author You Used To Be- An author greets a slightly younger version of themself.
Rebecca Langley

6 Ways To Learn From The Author You Used To Be

Unlike athletes, writers hit their peak pretty late in life. This is partly thanks to practice, partly because life experience yields richer stories, and partly because they’ve had a chance to learn from their past work and past selves.

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Anachronisms Kill Historical Fiction – Here’s How To Stop Them - A caveman checks his iPhone while a volcano erupts in the background.
Rebecca Langley

Anachronisms Kill Historical Fiction – Here’s How To Stop Them

If you want to win at historical fiction, your readers are going to need to feel like they fell into a deep sleep and woke up in a different world. To create that different world, you’re going to not only need to have all your facts straight, you’re going to need to paint a picture with all the right colors.

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