Frances Reid Rowland

What Is Story Filler And How Much Is Necessary?

Story filler is unnecessary text that might come between two scenes that move the plot forward. It can take the form of a sentence, a paragraph, dialogue (both internal and external) or even a whole chapter.  Now, when I say “unnecessary” I mean that if you were to take out that piece of writing, the

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Too Much Detail
Robert Wood

Are You Killing Your Book With Too Much Detail And Explanation?

Every character, location and event in a story needs to be introduced and explained to an audience. Every relevant detail has to be explained, and that explanation is the element of a story which enchants a reader more than any other. It is the essence of storytelling. The way you explain the details of your

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Alex Hemus

Your 5-Minute Guide To Copyright, Piracy And Plagiarism

There are a lot of rumors about the ins and outs of copyright. What it is and how you get it are often misunderstood with the effect that many authors worry about areas in which they’re entirely safe. With that in mind, now might be a good time to familiarize yourself with the two biggest

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7 ways to write a damn good fight scene
Bronwyn Hemus

7 Ways To Write A Damn Good Fight Scene

Fight scenes are the single hardest character interaction to write. Many authors who know their craft in every other respect can’t write a fight scene to save their (or their hero’s) life. But don’t despair. There are a few strategies you can use to ensure you write the kind of fight scene that grips a

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