Bronwyn Hemus

Why Writing Your First Draft Is Not As Scary As It Seems

The first step is always the hardest and when it comes to writing, that step can seem insurmountable. Getting the first draft of your story on paper is the single hardest part of writing a novel and the hurdle at which most people fall. For every person who’s nurturing a manuscript they can’t quite get

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Grammar Lessons Editor
Frances Reid Rowland

9 Timeless Grammar Lessons From A Strait-laced Editor

I suppose you could argue that these minor grammar transgressions are the sorts of things that ought to be identified and ironed out by us strait-laced editors. In some ways, yes—we all make mistakes and a second pair of eyes will pick up something the first pair of eyes will not. But it’s when some

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how to write young adult books
Robert Wood

The Ultimate Guide To Writing Awesome Young Adult Books

Young Adult books are written for a readership aged 12-18, but there’s a certain magic to it that invites devotion from readers of all ages. YA fiction leads to movies that dominate the box office and is reviewed alongside the newest crime and thriller novels. Is it strange that books grouped solely by their readership’s

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Alex Hemus

The 7 Social Media Rules Every Author Needs To Know

Social media provides a unique form of author/reader interaction, with sites like Facebook, Google+, Pinterest and Twitter allowing fans to express their tastes in a way that genuinely connects them to the authors they love. Followers on social media sites combine fan support with an expectation of content so it’s not enough to get someone

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