
How To Swear Really &£$%^$ Well - A character curses and is given 10 points by a judge.
Robert Wood

How To Swear Really &£$%^$ Well

Like it or not, swearing, cursing, saying bad words, uttering profanities, being foul-mouthed, growling obscenities, cussing, effing and blinding, venturing imprecation, and even turning the air blue are facts of life. For many people, bad language is an everyday occurrence, while for others it’s a major taboo, but it’s certainly a feature of a realistic,

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5 Ways Your Paragraphs Are Broken (That You Can Fix) - An author 'unpacks' a paragraph from a box, trying to fit it together.
Robert Wood

5 Ways Your Paragraphs Are Broken (That You Can Fix)

Ah, the humble paragraph. If not the most basic tool in the writer’s toolbox, then certainly in the top five. Of course, like any basic tool, we take it for granted, to the point where many writers don’t know how much they can get from managing their paragraphs or, worse, are making basic mistakes that

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Why Writers Like You Need To Know Their Key Event From Their First Plot Point - Alice tumbles down the rabbit hole, surrounded by clocks.
Robert Wood

Why Writers Like You Need To Know Their Key Event From Their First Plot Point

Inciting incident, key event, plot point… they’re useful terms for those who are comfortable with them, but more often than not, they’re treated as if they’re interchangeable. Sadly, these are terms that authors have treated pretty poorly over the years. They’ve swapped places, been used as synonyms, and eventually ended up as a homogeneous mass that

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