
Everything you need to know about marketing your book.

Robert Wood

Should You Enter A Writing Competition?

Competitions are a touchy subject for most writers. There are a few reasons, but the most prevalent is that it’s just plain scary volunteering to have your work judged. On top of that, the majority of competitions cost money to enter, easily putting off less-experienced writers. But less-experienced writers are the ones who have most

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Alex Hemus

Waste Less Time On Social Media With This One Little Trick

I’m going to take a shot in the dark and assume that you’re part of the 88.5% of authors who are working a second job. If you’re not, it is highly likely you have family commitments to steal your time. You’re busy. This isn’t a 9-5 job. You live in a world where you feel

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Alex Hemus

Facebook For Authors: Pages vs. Profiles

Facebook is a godsend for authors, allowing them to engage in free promotional activity at a complexity that suits them. Whether you want to mention the odd book release or shower your fans with pictures, thoughts, videos and offers, Facebook has you covered. While I’ve explained the 7 Simple Steps to Create a Professional Facebook

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Alex Hemus

How To Figure Out Why Your Book Sales Are Disappointing

You sat down and wrote your novel, spent months slaving over the editing and then either found a publisher or self-published. After all that work your worries should be over, but instead you are faced with the question: Why is my book not selling? There are a lot of reasons books don’t sell but the

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