
3 (More) Writing Myths You Should Feel Free To Ignore - An author in glasses reads a book, a question mark by his head.
Rebecca Langley

3 (More) Writing Myths You Should Feel Free To Ignore

Recently (in 3 Writing Myths You Should Feel Free To Ignore), we talked about why it might be okay to vary your dialogue tags or make strategic use of the passive voice, and what it actually means to write realistic dialogue. Today, I’d like to call into question a few more myths about what writers

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How To Handle Fear In Your Novel - An elephant is about to step on a mouse. Both look terrified.
Paige Duke

How To Handle Fear In Your Novel: The Dos And Don’ts

When was the last time you were afraid – I mean really afraid? Close your eyes and play the scene. Try to capture everything: the sounds and the smells, what you saw and how your body reacted. What did you do afterward to cope with those feelings of fear? Can you identify why the event

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Fred Johnson

What Is A Crucible, And Why Should You Include One In Your Writing?

First things first: no, I’m not talking about the Arthur Miller play The Crucible or the film starring Daniel Day-Lewis. There will be no witches or men getting crushed to death by stones here, I’m afraid. Instead, a literary crucible is a narrative mechanism coined by writer James Frey designed to help out writers whose

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What Is ‘Fridging’, And How Can You Avoid It? - A man opens the fridge to discover a woman, who says 'spoiler alert'.
Robert Wood

What Is ‘Fridging’, And How Can You Avoid It?

What set your character on their path through the story? Yes, they should have a goal, but why is that goal so important to them? What kind of event is enough to justify telling a whole story about the reaction? A talented author can turn pretty much any event into a justifiable reason to follow

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