First drafts

Is It Better To Be A Hopper Or A Marcher? - A marcher and a rabbit meet, each looking confused.
Robert Wood

Is It Better To Be A Hopper Or A Marcher?

Marching is the technique of starting on page one and then writing your first draft from beginning to end, all in chronological order. Like someone marching along, you keep putting one foot in front of the other, forcing yourself on until the job is done.

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Why You Should Finish Your First Draft As Quickly As Possible - A writer runs past a line of pages, dragging a pen across them.
Fred Johnson

Why You Should Finish Your First Draft As Quickly As Possible

If there’s one writer who’s (thankfully) incapable of shutting up about the writing process, it’s beloved American horror icon Stephen King. In his fantastic and much-quoted On Writing, he says, The first draft of a book – even a long one – should take no more than three months, the length of a season. –

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