
What Makes Readers Choose Something New? - A book shouts 'Read me!' at a reader.
Rebecca Langley

What Makes Readers Choose Something New?

It’s a well-known fact that the human brain craves new experiences. We like the safety of familiarity too, which explains genre loyalty, but even the stodgiest armchair critic can be tempted out of their comfort zone with the promise of a dopamine hit of novelty. Use this to your advantage, and be the author who gains new readers by offering them something genuinely new.

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Are You An Elephant Writer Or A Termite Writer? - An elephant and a termite both hold pencils, ready to write.
Robert Wood

Are You An Elephant Writer Or A Termite Writer?

What do you want as a writer? To produce great work and find your fair share of readers – that’s a given – but what about on a deeper level? Are you the type of writer who wants to change the world, or do you just love words and take joy in making them dance?

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Are You Experimenting With New Weird Fiction? - A strange monster reads a book, seemingly annoyed.
Robert Wood

Are You Experimenting With New Weird Fiction?

It shouldn’t be surprising that ‘new weird’ fiction has a relationship to ‘weird’ fiction. In fact, it has a relationship with many other subgenres, including ‘bizarro’ fiction and ‘slipstream’ writing.

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