
Want To Disturb Your Readers? Mastering The Uncanny Is The Answer - A horrific ghost emerges from a book, terrifying the reader.
Robert Wood

Want To Disturb Your Readers? Mastering The Uncanny Is The Answer

Half the battle of writing a great book is getting the reader to emotionally invest in your story. The most successful form of this sees the reader caught up in the moment, and it’s an experience that we’ve tried to catch again and again in the language of clichés. A great tale leaves you on

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Avoid A Boring Thriller With This One Simple Trick - A character stares out from between the bars of a cage.
Robert Wood

Avoid A Boring Thriller With This One Simple Trick

Writing a thriller is a dangerous game. Why? Because success is a binary process. Other genres allow for compelling ideas to stand out against lackluster writing, or for amazing characters to charm readers through the boring bits of the plot, but a thriller reader is either thrilled or they aren’t, and that’s the ball game.

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