Short stories

Why Authors Who Want To Be Published Should Write Flash Fiction - A writer runs along, picking up words for a short story.
Rebecca Langley

Why Authors Who Want To Be Published Should Write Flash Fiction

If ever an art form was suited to its time, flash fiction fits the hyper-busy, bite-sized culture of the 21st century like a touchscreen-sensitive glove. Though the genre’s been around for at least a century, flash fiction has finally come into its own. So what’s that got to do with you? If you’re like a

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Here’s How To Vary Your Sentence Structure - An author considers their fridge, on which the magnets spell out the same type of sentence over and over.
Rebecca Langley

Here’s How To Vary Your Sentence Structure

One of the most common issues in longer prose is a lack of variety in sentence structure. It can strike anyone, because it’s not a lack of sophistication, but rather the pull of (otherwise admirable) efficiency of language. Unfortunately, when an author’s tendency towards efficiency collides with a reader’s desire for novelty, there’s a breakdown

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How To Survive Having Your Writing Rejected - An author has their manuscript torn in half.
Paige Duke

How To Survive Having Your Writing Rejected

Rejection refines us. Those who fall prey to its enervating soul-sucking tentacles are doomed. Those who persist past it are survivors. Best ask yourself the question: what kind of writer are you? The kind who survives? Or the kind who gets asphyxiated by the tentacles of woe? – Chuck Wendig, ‘25 Things Writers Should Know about

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