Writing tools

NaNoWriMo Week 1: How To Get Your First Draft Started - A baby holds a piece of paper, on which they've started their first chapter.
Robert Wood

NaNoWriMo Week 1: How To Get Your First Draft Started

Hello authors, and welcome to the first article of our month-long National Novel Writing Month coverage. For those who don’t know, NaNoWriMo takes place over November and challenges authors to pen 50,000 words in thirty days. It’s caught on around the world, with a variety of resources now available for those taking part. There’s no

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Why You Need A Dedicated Writing Space And How To Find It - A writer sets up their desk in a cave.
Paige Duke

Why You Need A Dedicated Writing Space And How To Find It

Challenges to a consistent writing practice abound. There’s not enough time, you’ve hit writer’s block, your to-do list keeps getting filled with last-minute items; the list goes on and on. One of the most common challenges writers face is not having a dedicated writing space. Trying to fit writing in whenever you can, wherever you

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How To Write Better Food (And Why You Should) - A character tucks into a huge meal.
Fred Johnson

How To Write Better Food (And Why You Should)

Food is one of those little things writers tend to forget about. After all, you want to focus on the aspects of your novel that push the plot forward – the seething contest of wits in the drawing room, the raging battle on Raynar VI, the primeval old one stirring beneath the waves – not

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